04.03.01. Chemistry
Kritchenkov I.S.; Tutorial in General and Inorganic chemistry; 1st year
Kritchenkov I.S.; Investigation methods of inorganic and coordination compounds (fluorescence spectroscopy); 4th year
Tunik S.P.; Investigation methods of inorganic and coordination compounds (NMR spectroscopy); 4th year
04.04.01. Chemistry
Kritchenkov I.S.; Tutorial in Inorganic сhemistry-1; 1st year
Shakirova J.R.; Training workshop in synthesis of transition metal complexes; 2nd year
05.03.01. Geology
Solomatina A.I.; Tutorial in General and Inorganic chemistry; 1st year
06.03.01. Biology
Solomatina A.I.; Tutorial in General and Inorganic chemistry; 1st year
